Humans are the ONLY beings on the planet who pay rent to live here, The Medici collect that rent. If you believe that extra-terrestrials, reptiles, or supernatural entities govern our world, you may not have encountered the Rothschilds, Russell’s, or Vanderbilt’s. However, even these influential families are merely managers using various tools to guide society. This complex and multifaceted system has evolved over thousands of years, with many significant narratives lost to time and history often being written by the victors. Consequently, our understanding of the past may not be entirely accurate, impartial, or clear.” The Medici are the reason for that.
15th century Florence was the epitome of a Renaissance city and home to some of the greatest philosophers, inventors and artists that have ever lived. A place full of new ideas, free thinking and beauty. the 15th century may have been the last time human growth was encouraged by our “Leaders” but also home to two families with tremendous wealth and power, the Pazzi’s and the Medici’s.
On Easter Sunday 26th April 1478, a group of conspirators from the Pazzi family decided it would really like to destroy the Medici family and would start by murdering its two leaders Giuliano and Lorenzo. Of all the places for this vicious attack to take place it was the beautiful Florentine Cathedral during High Mass that was chosen and what followed was a bloodbath. Welcome to Medieval Madness and the beginning of society as we know it today. Don’t get distracted by the SHOW the Zionists direct.
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