Irish people are officially second-class citizens in their own country.
AN RINN GARDA STATION R674 MWEELAHORNA, COUNTY WATERFORD has not been staffed for several years due to there being no Garda proficient in Irish according to the top police officer in the Waterford Garda Division.
Conor D. McGuinness said, “I am very concerned by comments made by Chief Superintendent Padraig Dunne at a recent meeting of the Joint Policing Committee. He told the meeting that there is currently no officer stationed in An Rinn as there is no one within the Division proficient in Irish. He also said that although Gardaí from Dungarvan patrol the Gaeltacht from time to time, that doesn’t mean those members are proficient in the language.”
We are not Housed or Protected. nílimid sásta.
I’m looking to get involved I’m in Coolock and off work for a few weeks il do what ever I can. Only problem il have to bring my dog with me. Ring me on 0894******
Hi Darren thank you for getting involved. You can keep up to date with us here We have volunteers who bring their dogs, just keep in mind we are at busy road junctions so they will have to watched.