The Sounding Of The Alarm

Covid info

After 4 years the evidence is overwhelming that there simply was no deadly pandemic. Tens of Billions of euros was spent on fear propaganda throughout all mainstream and local media outlets, to manipulate our goodwill, so we would relinquish our basic human rights, under the false pretence of communal safety. All debate was cancelled, and those with deep concerns that the Covid narrative was false, were ruthlessly silenced, vilified and mocked. Although we already have a vast number of over-the-counter treatments for any supposed viral threat, these medicines were not vigorously promoted. What was promoted was the ripping up of all international treaties including the Nuremburg code, which were put in place to ensure those who seek to experiment on human subjects with untested medical interventions could not do so without their full informed consent. The Pfizer Documents which have been in the public domain since May 2022 officially acknowledge that Pfizer, the FDA, and CDC all knew since January 2021 that there are major safety issues with the Pfizer C-19 injection. We invite you to view our Pfizer Data category for more info. If all this was known to them, and not told to us, we did not give informed consent. This is worldview shattering news that we know many will want to instantly dismiss. Before you do, we ask you to watch some of the presentations below and see can you discern some lies or not.

Currently there are over 21,000 Excess Deaths in Ireland since the C-19 injection rollout in 2021.