The Sounding Of The Alarm

Delivering our concerns to the Health Service Executives head office in Dublin

On the 11th of December 2023 WakeUpéiRe volunteers delivered a letter to the HSE demanding that the Covid-19 vaccine programme be halted immediately due to the staggering increase in Excess deaths since its rollout under Emergency Use Only. Excess deaths are currently running at over 20% in Ireland, you can see the breakdown of the numbers at . As always the WakeUpéiRe volunteers on the day were busy in amongst the public were they managed to give 3100 leaflets on ExcessDeaths and PfizersSafetyData into the hands of a very eager public. We would like to thank Jan from actioncovid1984 for recording the event.

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Caty on why we are there

Cathy talks about the contents of our letter

Delivering our concerns to the Health Service Executive

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Sara talks about her struggle with vaccine injury

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Barry talks about why they are there

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Edel shares her views on the work during 2023

WakeUpéiRe volunteer John talks about his research into Excess Deaths

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Dave talks about losing Family to the Covid 19 fraud

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Cathriona talks about why she works with us

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Philp talks about his recent experience using the Hospital Services in éiRe

WakeUpéiRe volunteer Louise reads a poem she wrote for all the warriors in éiRe pushing back

WakeUpéiRe volunteer John shares his pain from losing his brother days after taking a booster