C-19 Injection Detox Info
We are not medical professionals. The videos we display are the opinions of the Doctors/Presenters/Producers of the content. Several of the Volunteers with WakeUpéiRe have been injured by the Covid-19 injections, and they are having some positive results from different detox protocols. If you would like to talk to them, please mail us at info@wakeupeire.com
Vaccine Injury Resources: World Council For Health
By The World Council For Health Most people are now legitimately vaccine-concerned following revelations of regulatory failures, excess deaths, malfeasance, DNA contamination, sickness and shedding from the GMO products…
Help managing the effects of Bio-Damage
It is my personal experience that the following items may help with reelevating suffering and even reversing the negative effects of harmful substances in the body. They are not…
This document is designed for healthcare providers caring for patients with symptoms following a COVID injection. While a handful of the therapies can be self-administered, we strongly recommend that…
Harald Kautz – Bio Weapons and Healing Protocols
Harald Kautz is one of the first and few interdisciplinary scientists who showed that it is possible to back engineer the classified technologies used by the intelligence community to…
The Breakthrough of Chlorine Dioxide Solution
During the Covid-19 event, establishment forces made it their business to ensure that the public was denied access to existing safe, effective, and affordable treatments while waiting for ‘the…