I am NOT attempting to convince anyone to accept or believe anything contained in this presentation
I am asking those here today and watching on video those with an open
mind to seriously consider this explanatory model by asking questions
and researching these topics for yourself because that’s the only way we’re going to come to the truth about anything this
is my third foray into the field of ufology in the form of a formal presentation

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Something School will Never teach the children: J. Krishnamurti

We can see what fear does to each one of us. It makes one tell lies; it corrupts one in various ways; it makes the mind empty, shallow. There are dark corners in the mind which can never be investigated and exposed as long as one is afraid. Physical self-protection, the instinctive urge to keep away from the venomous snake, to draw back from the precipice, to avoid falling under the tramcar, and so on, is sane, normal, healthy. But I am asking about the psychological self-protectiveness which makes one afraid of disease, of death, of an enemy. When we seek fulfilment in any form, whether through painting, through music, through relationship, or what you will, there is always fear. So, what is important is to be aware of this whole process of oneself, to observe, to learn about it, and not ask how to get rid of fear. When you merely want to get rid of fear, you will find ways and means of escaping from it, and so there can never be freedom from fear.

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