The Sounding Of The Alarm

C-19 Injection info

Shocking revelations about the ongoing damage being caused by the Covid-19 Injections are now freely available for anyone to see. Still all Irish mainstream and local media outlets refuse to report on this horror. It is not that they do not know, they just do not want you to know. Why would this be? We contend this is the attempted cover up of the biggest Crime Against Humanity ever recorded. It is the mainstream media who are guilty of gross negligence, which has led to an unprecedented rise in Excess Deaths in all heavily vaccinated countries. They took their pieces of sliver to promote relentlessly and falsely the on trial Covid-19 Injections as “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE,” while allowing no debate from opposing voices, who have genuine concerns, which are backed up with real life data. We have put together an extensive array of videos from many commentators around the world, who even under the threat of Professional and Social exclusion, still feel compelled to bring their concerns to you.