If you are not happy with the direction the current political establishment are taking the country please contact them and let them know your views. One of our Volunteers Colm has compiled a PDF for you to download with the contact details for all TDs-Councillors and Senators currently occupying a seat of power in the South of Ireland.

8 responses to “Contact details for all Irish TDs-Senators-Councillors”
Dia duit, theastaigh uaim do phraghas a fháil.
Ár praghas agur cad?
Hi, ego volo scire vestri pretium.
Pls furnish me with above data
Hi Ken the PDF is there for you download
Hi ken,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We have updated the “contact-details-for-all-irish-tds-senators-councillors” page to display the information so as to make it as convenient as possible. If you have any more questions or comments please do not hesitate to get in touch.