The Sounding Of The Alarm

Hospitals are COVID death factories, and Remdesivir continues to be administered today

The official hospital Covid Protocol was a MURDER regimen. Hospitals became DEATH and MURDER facilities during Covid Pandemic.

Just because the Pandemic is over, does not mean that the fallout from the health care system’s egregious medical abuses will go unchecked or unpunished.

Reports are flooding in about the horrors that took place at hospitals all around the World, many of which abused patients and committed systemic medical murder in the name of “saving lives” and “stopping the spread.”

Lawsuits are being filed left and right against hospitals that allegedly murdered people’s loved ones by putting them on Remdesivir or a ventilator after using fraudulent PCR tests to proclaim a “positive” Covid diagnosis.

Covid was a psychological operation designed to tyrannize and depopulate.


One response to “Hospitals are COVID death factories, and Remdesivir continues to be administered today”

  1. Maree

    Look at how the Minister for health answers a specific question regarding Remdesivir and the Irish are sitting ducks for the ‘who’ solidarity Trial!!
    Bernard Durkan
    808. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the existence of specific antiviral treatment for Covid-19 or any other treatment currently undergoing trials or in respect of which trials have been completed; if it is planned for this medicine to be procured under Ireland’s participation in the European Commission joint procurement agreement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44886/20]
    View answer
    Written answers
    Minister for Health
    Officials in my Department have requested clarification from the Deputy’s office regarding the specific antiviral treatment referred to in this question. Once this clarification is provided, a more detailed response will be issued directly to the Deputy.
    To date, the European Medicines Agency has approved two medicines, dexamethasone and remdesivir, for the treatment of patients with Covid-19. Ireland is participating in the European Commission’s joint procurement for remdesivir, and has received supplies of remdesivir under this mechanism. National guidance has been in place since March 2020 on the use of remdesivir in Irish hospitals for the treatment of Covid-19. Ireland also continues to support the WHO Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial launched by the World Health Organization and partners to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19.
    I am Truly Disgusted by this washing out the Irish!

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