TAVISTOCK: The Hidden Social Engineering Machine

Without Tavistock, there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution no WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars, there would have been no 1960s youth “revolution” no “British” invasion. And no Football stadiums, Mtv, Ozzy Osborne or World Touring Taylor swift. But for Tavistock, The United States and by extension the World would not be rushing down the road to dissolution disease and collapse if we were never exposed to the social influence of distractions set up to lead Us, our Children & Grandchildren all a stray we would not even consider a One World Order with you and your family used as the its fuel to empower the megalomaniacs to attempt to enslave us all.

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Birth Certificate Fraud; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus (BCCRSS)

These are just a few of the examples that anyone with any sense of “legal wrongdoing” can see to illustrate clearly the absolute fraud nature of the entire legal system and the basis of the fraud against humanity it is based upon where the LEGAL NAME/TITLE claims are the cornerstone that holds the entire pyramid construct with the criminals (legal sorcerers) atop the pyramid of delusional and illusional power and where any/all cops/judges/lawyers/common people should have a basic understanding of what fraud is where fraud is clearly defined in the ten commandments motif. Fraud (entire legal reality) includes, not limited to, murder, stealing, raping, adultizing, greed, lust, covetousness, false idol creation and worship, and all manner of evil intentions where only the veil of a papered reality protects the evil with KNOWING intentions and now you know, ignorance removed herein where it is incumbent with EVERY individual to prove otherwise, SILENCE EQUATES ACQUIESCENCE maxim invoked; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus is invoked/spoken/written

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Revolutionary Globalists Invasion of the Republic of Ireland

this review will provide a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing people trafficking issue in the Republic of Ireland, with a particular focus on the globalist forces at play, the impact on Irish citizens and the economy, and the role of collaborators within the Irish system.

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