5G. The Covid 19 connection
Many Doctors, Scientists and researchers around the world have come to the conclusion that there is a provable connection between Covid 19 and the rollout of 5G. The opinions expressed are those of the producers of the content.
5G explained in five minutes
By Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault “5G” has officially made it to the buzzword status, and is now in the news worldwide— in some countries more than others. For…
Former Vodafone Boss Blows The Whistle On 5G – Covid does not exist
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
Dr. Tess Lawrie – 500 New Injections, 5G, WHO, “Aliens” & The Next “Pandemic”
Dr. Tess Lawrie joins Marie Zee to discuss how the WHO wants to introduce 500 new injections by 2030, and why every country must pull out of the WHO…
Uncensored: WBAN & Human Hacking PROOF – How Far Does it Really Go?Uncensored:
Todd Callender and Lisa McGee join Maria Zeee to discuss WBAN & human hacking proof, human antennae, and explore how far AI’s role has already gone in this process…