The Sounding Of The Alarm

The Purpose of our Website

Climate change

Did you know there is a mere 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere of which a paltry 3% is caused by human activity? The total restructuring of how we live to make an impact on a 0.0012% is absurd. Nothing more than more globalist fear, to accept death and poverty.



    By contaminating/compromising essential resources such as the LAW (Land, Air, and Water), and attributing the blame for environmental issues to your simple pleasures in life, your steak, your car,…

  • The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots

    The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots

    By Richard Vobes The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies. Confirmation comes from two commercial pilots who know what is happening from close quarters.

  • The biggest problem with Climate Change by Konstantin Kisin

    The biggest problem with Climate Change by Konstantin Kisin

    John and Konstantin discuss the lies that are being told about how best to combat climate change and what the consequences of those lies are.

  • Second Beast Rising (22 episodes):

    Second Beast Rising (22 episodes):

    1. The Hour of Crisis, the Hour of Redemption 2. European Dis-union 3. The Antichrist Power Identified 4. The United States in Bible Prophecy 5. A New World Order…

  • Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality

    Hacking The Planet: The Climate Engineering Reality

    In the mid 1940’s global powers made the decision to intervene in Earth’s climate and life support systems without the knowledge or consent of populations. The weather makers tell…

  • The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )

    The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch ) is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global weather intervention operations.