The Sounding Of The Alarm


The Dangers of Wireless Telecommunications

The Irish Government and indeed Governments around the world are fast moving forward with the rollout of 5G technology, which promises faster internet speeds and improved connectivity allowing for Atomos AI. However… READ MORE

There are concerns about wireless communications potential downsides. Telecommunications Industry experts worry about possible health risks from increased exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Others point out the high costs involved in replacing and building new infrastructure. Privacy is another concern, as 5G will make it easier to track Data, Personal information, Individuals and Groups. Additionally, there are fears that the advanced capabilities of 5G will/have been used for extensive military purposes and exercises.

Is a more connected and robotic world really worth the cost to the quality of life and shorting humanities life expectance greatly… Continue Reading

Substantial evidence and studies exist to prove that 5G millimetre waves are dangerous to humans and our environment. Those most at risk include the unborn, children the infirm, the elderly and people with disabilities. Living near phone masts causes headaches, memory problems, dizziness, depression, and sleep problems as well as life threatening cancers, yet Governments are still prepared to install small cell towers and wireless facilities everywhere. Watch some presentations Click Below.

Without 5G the globalist dream of a human race connected to the Internet Of Things is impossible to achieve…. Continue Reading.

Despite the fact that it comes with known great health risks to humans and our environment, Governments and Globalist owned telecom companies around the world are pushing forward with the rollout of 5G technology.

The 5G network comes with excessive financial costs, a complete invasion of privacy and it has the ability to be utilised as a sophisticated weapons system. 5G Is essentially the tool that will provide the grid structure for 24hr-7day a week bio-digital control of the human race.

We implore you to research this harmful technology and start taking steps to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.

Possible Links Too relative Flyers

Many Doctors, Scientists and researchers around the world have come to the conclusion that there is a provable connection between Covid 19 and the rollout of 5G. Continue Reading…

The potential biological effects of RFR have been a subject of study for years, with research focusing on the impact of exposure on human health.

Here’s an overview of the key aspects:

1. Thermal Effects Heating of Tissues: RFR can cause tissues to heat up when absorbed by the body. This is NOT the primary mechanism by which RFR can affect biological systems. However High levels of exposure can lead to burns or overheating of the body, especially in sensitive areas like the eyes. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR): The SAR measures the rate at which energy is absorbed by the body when exposed to RFR. Regulations for devices like cell phones set limits on SAR to avoid excessive heating, however the regulations where written for the development of microwave ovens in the early years of microwave testing.

2. Non-Thermal Effects

Cellular Stress: Studies have suggested that exposure to RFR does induce cellular stress, possibly affecting cell metabolism and increasing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which could potentially lead to oxidative damage. DNA Damage: There is evidence that RFR exposure causes DNA strand to break or other forms of genetic damage.

Alterations in Protein Expression: Exposure to RFR has been linked to changes in protein expression, including heat shock proteins that are involved in stress responses.

3. Potential Health Risks

Cancer Risk: A major area of concern is the possible link between long-term RFR exposure (particularly from mobile phones & wifi routers) and cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RFR as a Group 2B carcinogen, meaning it is possibly carcinogenic to humans based on some studies, particularly with brain tumours like gliomas and acoustic neuromas.

Neurological Effects: There have been concerns about RFR’s impact on the brain, potentially leading to effects like headaches, sleep disturbances, memory problems, and even increased risks for neurodegenerative diseases.

4. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

Some individuals report symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness when exposed to RFR, a condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). While it’s not officially recognized as a medical condition by organizations like the WHO, a growing number of People assert that RFR exposure triggers these symptoms.

5. Regulatory Guidelines and Exposure Limits:

Health organizations, including The Irish HSE, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), set guidelines for safe exposure to RFR. These limits are based on the prevention of thermal effects (heating)developed in the 1950s for microwave ovens, there is a general consensus in the public that any level of RFR exposure from high tension power lines, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and other common sources DO most certainly pose a significant health risk. Safety standards continue to evolve, as ongoing research looks for clearer links between non-thermal effects and health outcomes. however as this research is being paid for by the telecommunications’ companies it is unlikely to find any link at all, ever… like big tobacco.

6. Controversy and Ongoing Research:

Despite the substantial body of research, 5g is being rolled out with out the full disclosure to the public of its true dangers or intent, the industry claim there is no consensus on the long-term biological effects of RFR, particularly from the medical industry who stands to benefit greatly. Some studies find potential links to variety health issues, while others do not. As a result, scientific investigation embezzlement into the bioeffects of RFR continues, with many “Experts” calling for “further study” into its potential long-term health consequences. While many true professionals are calling for the reversal of the 5g rollout.

Conclusion While current Main Stream Opinion does not definitively agree that RFR exposure from devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi networks poses a significant health risk, the aristocrats push on with their plan. Most regulatory bodies continue to consider RFR exposure within established safety limits to be safe, but life experience of the biological effects, especially regarding long-term, low-level exposure, tells us that is not the case.

If you’re concerned about exposure, simple steps like using speakerphone, holding your phone away from your body, or limiting the time spent on devices emitting RFR can help reduce exposure levels.

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The magic words are ‘stakeholder capitalism,’ a concept that WEF chair Klaus Schwab has been hammering for decades and which occupies pride of place in the WEF’s Great Reset plan from June 2020.

Indeed, Klaus Schwab has authored a book entitled “Covid-19: The Great Reset”. The idea is that global capitalism should be transformed so that corporations no longer focus solely on serving shareholders but become custodians of society.

While we live in an age where instant communication is considered a fundamental right, there is a dark side to the technology that powers it. Let me share three major issues: security, health, and infrastructure vulnerabilities. Continue Reading…

First, security:

Wireless networks, which we rely on every single day, are a double-edged sword. In the push for faster and more convenient connectivity, we’ve built a sprawling interconnected web of networks that have become prime targets for cybercriminals. Our personal information, financial transactions, and private communications are transmitted across airwaves vulnerable to interception. It’s not just the occasional data breach we’re talking about—these attacks can disrupt entire cities, companies, and even governments.

The fact is, we have built a system that is inherently open, susceptible to hacking, and difficult to secure. And in our rush to adopt 5G, we’ve created an even more complex system that leaves us exposed to a broader array of security threats. How safe are we, really, when every device we own—from our phones & door bells to our fridges and cars—relies on wireless connections that are inherently hackable?

Second, health concerns:

I know there are those who would dismiss these concerns as alarmist, but as always the Science is not as clear-cut as we are led to believe. We are bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from wireless signals every day, with little understanding of the long-term effects. Studies suggest that prolonged exposure to radiofrequency radiation could contribute to increased risks of cancers, neurological disorders, and other health issues.

The World Health Organization (W.H.O) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans, a concern that is only growing as 5G and the expansion of wireless infrastructure continue. Children, animals and insects in particular, are more vulnerable, and yet we are pushing them into environments where wireless devices are ever-present, often with no real understanding of the risks.

This is not just a matter of convenience. It’s a matter of our health, and the health of future generations. We should not sacrifice our well-being for convenience without better scientific clarity on the long-term effects of wireless radiation.

Finally, infrastructure vulnerability:

Let’s talk about infrastructure. Wireless networks, particularly as we advance to 5G, require an enormous amount of physical infrastructure, from thousands of tiny cell towers to vast, complex networks of antennas and fiber optics. These are costly and resource-intensive to build and maintain. But beyond the financial burden, these networks are inherently fragile.

A single attack on the wrong/right piece of infrastructure—a data center, a communications tower, a traffic management system—can disrupt everything. Think about the vulnerability of our power grid, hospitals, financial systems, and military & personal communications, all of which rely on wireless connectivity.

In times of crisis, these systems will be paralyzed by a targeted attack on the wireless infrastructure. We’ve already seen the consequences of cyberattacks in the past, and as more systems become wireless, the risks grow.

To make matters worse, this reliance on wireless telecommunications leaves rural communities at a disadvantage. Despite the promises of 5G bringing connectivity to underserved areas, the reality is that many rural and island regions still lack reliable coverage. The infrastructure investment required for universal access to high-speed wireless service is enormous, and there’s little incentive to invest in these areas beyond major roadways when the return is so uncertain, to non-existent. As a result, the digital divide widens.

In conclusion, while wireless telecommunications have undoubtedly transformed our world, we must take a step back and seriously evaluate the cost of this transformation. From security vulnerabilities that put our privacy and safety at risk, to the health dangers we’ve yet to fully comprehend, to the fragility of the very infrastructure we’re building—there is much more at stake than just the convenience of instant connectivity.

We need to invest in safer, more secure, and sustainable communication technologies, and above all, we must prioritize the well-being of our Peoples over the unchecked push for faster, more pervasive networks.

The questions we must ask are simple: At what cost are we advancing this technology, and what are we willing to sacrifice in the process?

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