WakeUPéiRe.com needs you to help and support our work. If you are in a position to GET INVOLVED in any way great or small please do not hesitate to get in touch or better still come along to an information drop.
Contacts For Some Of The Team
Events | Finance | Technology |
Organisers: | Treasurer: | Web Admin: |
Barry | Cathriona | Tyler |
barry@wakeupeire.com | cathriona@wakeupeire.com | info@wakeupeire.com |
Admin/Legal | Research | Reporters |
Head | Head | Events |
Cathy | Marion | Edel |
Cathy@wakeupeire.com | Mars@wakeupeire.com | Edel@wakeupeire.com |
Social Media | Distribution | Photographer |
Facebook Telegram | Head | Events |
Audrey Diane Mars | Declan Jackie | Cathriona |
Audrey@wakeupeire.com Mars@wakeupeire.com Diane@wakeupeire.com | Declan@wakeupeire.com Jackie@wakeupeire.com | cathriona@wakeupeire.com |
- We feel strongly that the Globalist world view is not the only world view acceptable in civilised society,
- We believe that a Nationalist viewpoint has been unfairly criticized, leading to a concentrated “Internationalist” influence among nations. This power structure often impacts its own people negatively, disregarding humanity and individual well-being. The promise of a greater good is used to justify actions, where some reap benefits, like private jet ownership, while many others lack the opportunity to escape their town or circumstances.
- We believe that with access to, and encouragement for open, secure, and free information exchange, you can demonstrate responsible adulthood, contributing positively to discussions among your fellow Peoples, fostering a robust and informed national community.
Do you agree or disagree let us know at: info@wakeupeire.com
The Mainstream Media has repeatedly failed the populous of Ireland. In fact we have been F****D under the bus and buried alive under an avalanche of failings by the institutions we trusted to maintain not just the standard of living but the quality of life for our children, What do you think? We think éiRe needs you.