TAVISTOCK: The Hidden Social Engineering Machine

Without Tavistock, there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution no WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars, there would have been no 1960s youth “revolution” no “British” invasion. And no Football stadiums, Mtv, Ozzy Osborne or World Touring Taylor swift. But for Tavistock, The United States and by extension the World would not be rushing down the road to dissolution disease and collapse if we were never exposed to the social influence of distractions set up to lead Us, our Children & Grandchildren all a stray we would not even consider a One World Order with you and your family used as the its fuel to empower the megalomaniacs to attempt to enslave us all.

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Starting with the practice of slavery in the ancient world, Simon Webb traces the history of slavery in Europe and examines the experiences of those who were forcibly taken from their homes. He describes how thousands of European boys were castrated and then sold in Africa and the Middle East, and also explains how the role of the newly-independent United States helped to put an end to the trade in European and American slaves. He also discuss the importance of towns such as Bristol, which was an important staging-post for the transfer of English slaves to Africa over 1,000 years before it became a major centre for the slave trade in the eighteenth century.

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