The Sounding Of The Alarm

WakeUpéiRe Volunteers: Jenny Mortell from Dublin

Jenny’s own words

I’m Jenny Mortell and I’m happy and proud to have got involved with Barry, Cathriona and many others of WakeUpeiRe a few years ago. I’d say I’m the oldest person participating but my anger about what is being done to this country and its people fuels my determination to ‘speak out’ as much as possible.

It’s one of the most constructive things I’ve done over my ‘activist’ life. I spent many Mondays standing outside the Pfizer offices in Ringsend, enjoying knowing that we were surely driving the people inside mad seeing their crimes being exposed. It was interesting to see how the atmosphere changed from many people passing shouting insults at us when we started, to getting lots of thumbs up and beeps from passing cars when the penny dropped that we were telling the truth about the damage
of the Convid19 jabs. It was impressive that quite a few vaxx injured people showed up.

I also really enjoyed all the activity we undertook in the run-up to the Referenda in March. I’m sure our presence was a big factor all over the country in the overwhelming ‘No No’ votes. We don’t hesitate to go out In all weathers and the one that sticks in my mind the strongest was standing at a very cold, wet and windy roundabout in Lusk in February, we were drenched and nearly blown away. But I’m sure people passing by must have thought that we had the courage of our convictions to be out in that weather.

Another campaign I enjoyed was standing outside Stephen’s Green drawing attention to many and varied different topics, the weather always seemed to be pleasant there, and we had lots of interesting conversations with people passing.

I hope I can get back to ‘waving placards’ soon, I’m having to take things easy for a while with a ‘bad leg’and really miss the friendship and camaraderie with all the wonderful dedicated people who feel compelled to pass on the information that the main stream media refuses to publicise.

Jenny Mortell

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