Irish Immigration Highlights
Dr. Mehari Fisseha, PhD in Migration Studies, speaks to @Ben_Scallan about Ireland’s asylum system, Neale Richmond’s family-reunification comments, and more.
Western Governments Have Declared Open Season on Their White Citizens
By Paul Craig Roberts Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world. It is happening in some countries faster than in others. Although women in…
The Planned Destruction of Ireland’s Cultural Identity by Simon Webb
By Simon Webb Those unfamiliar with what is happening in Ireland are occasionally taken aback by some of the news stories emerging from the country. In 2021, for instance,…
Ireland’s Woke Revolution: Criticise Migration, Go to Jail?
Why is Irish politics so woke? Will the Irish government’s humiliating referendum defeat make it think twice about its draconian “hate speech” legislation? Will it be able to silence…
Ireland: IPAS Centres or Army Barracks? Matt Bracken and LTC Steven Murry discuss
Interview with Matt Bracken