Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA/Globalist War on Activists, Musicians & Celebrities Opposed to Gov. Policies and Their Evil Agenda
The more Power or Influence they have, the greater threat they are to the NWO Agenda. Even just having the Potential to be a Threat could be enough to have been made a Target of Assassination.
I mean seriously. It is hard to think that Janice Joplin or Jimi Hendrix could ever have been any true Political Threat to the U.S./Global Government.
2018 Documentary by Gravitas Ventures / Based Upon The Book By John L. Potash
Drugs as Weapons Against Us presents evidence that the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra manipulated musicians and activists to promote drugs for social control, particularly regarding the Civil Rights and anti-war movements. Evidence further supports that intelligence agents murdered some of these musicians and activists when they resisted intelligence manipulations. U.S. intelligence targeted musicians such as Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix, as well the anti-war SDS and The Black Panthers. America and Britain’s wealthiest families had a history of drug trafficking and opium wars against China. The American families’
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The British Ruling Elite Played an essential part in the Creation of the International Drug Trade. A long with the Slave Trade Drugs gave the British Aristocracy and American Robber Baron – Banker Class their first Wealth. The wealth that would give them the Money and Power to Monopolize and Control Everything.
The East India Company played an Essential Role in the Creation of the British Empire. The Wealth gained from Opium and Slaves gave the British Elite the Means to acquire more Wealth and Power. It even helped the Launch of the Industrial Revolution.
The Rothschild’s even made a vast fortune when England Outlawed Slavery.
The Royals granted the Rothschild’s Control of Paying Off all Slave Owners for the Loss of their Slaves. Paid for by the British People. So the Slave Owners Benefitted right away. While It took a very long time for the British People to pay that one off.
The Rothschild’s created an Offshore Banking System that made them Stinking Rich as well as making them leaders over the Financial Enterprises of the British Aristocracy.
But what needs to be understood the most is that the CIA was Created by British Intelligence, and is still in control of them and the Entire Deep State. The Entire Purpose of the CIA’s Creation was to Prepare the American People for the Takeover of the British Led Globalist Cabal and a One World Government under the United Nations.
All of the Propaganda, Media Control and MKUltra was under the Direction of the Tavistock Institute of Mind Control.
Everything BAD that has happened to the American people can be Blamed on the British and the Jesuits/Vatican. AKA the Black Nobility Controlled 3 City States
Source: “TheWarAgainstYou”