Is it possible for the mind to empty itself totally of fear? Fear of any kind breeds illusion; it makes the mind dull, shallow. Where there is fear there is obviously no freedom, and without freedom there is no love at all. And most of us have some form of fear; fear of darkness, fear of public opinion, fear of snakes, fear of physical pain, fear of old age, fear of death. We have literally dozens of fears. And is it possible to be completely free of fear?
We can see what fear does to each one of us. It makes one tell lies; it corrupts one in various ways; it makes the mind empty, shallow. There are dark corners in the mind which can never be investigated and exposed as long as one is afraid. Physical self-protection, the instinctive urge to keep away from the venomous snake, to draw back from the precipice, to avoid falling under the tramcar, and so on, is sane, normal, healthy. But I am asking about the psychological self-protectiveness which makes one afraid of disease, of death, of an enemy. When we seek fulfilment in any form, whether through painting, through music, through relationship, or what you will, there is always fear. So, what is important is to be aware of this whole process of oneself, to observe, to learn about it, and not ask how to get rid of fear. When you merely want to get rid of fear, you will find ways and means of escaping from it, and so there can never be freedom from fear.
The Book of Life, March 22, HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.
Saanen, Switzerland 1977 – Public Talks 1-7
The channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, ’The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities… nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.’ They maintain extensive archives of Krishnamurti’s original works and all four Krishnamurti foundations are actively engaged in the publication of material in various forms. Their videos contain thousands of subtitles in more than 25 languages, translated by volunteers from all over the world. For more information about J. Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti foundations: International Site –
Public Talk 1- What are we seeking?
What is it that human beings seek? You are the summation of all humanity, wherever you live. You are the representative of every human being. We have to examine closely whether there is psychological security at all. Does thought, which has created beliefs, dogmas, experiences and divisions, give security? Is there security in the past? All nationalities are a danger. The perception of the truth is intelligence. In that intelligence there is complete security, because that intelligence is not yours or mine, and is not conditioned.
Public Talk 2 – Is there security in psychological authority?
Is there a life in which there is no spark of authority? Can one live a life without any conformity, conflict, goals, purpose, ideals, which all create conflict? The intensity of the investigation depends on the urgency to find the truth, to have tremendous energy to find out. To investigate there must be no motive, because motive will dictate what you will discover. Intensity is necessary to investigate. That intensity can come into being only when there is no cause and no effect and therefore no reaction. Psychologically, why is it that we obey? Is it because in obedience to an authority there is deep rooted desire for security? To live with ‘what is’ completely, implies no conflict whatsoever. There is no future as transforming it into something else. The very ending is the gathering of supreme energy, which is a form of intelligence.
Public Talk 3 – Education meditation and death
What is the relationship between self-knowledge and education? How shall I teach history or mathematics so as to convey knowledge of the subject and at the same time to know oneself? What is the relationship between discontent and meditation? What is the relationship between death and meditation? Hope is born out of despair. When there is no despair there is no hope. Can you look at loneliness without any movement of thought? To loosen the threads of attachment without effort is part of meditation. The understanding of death comes through meditation.
Public Talk 4 – Does compassion flower in the field of desire?
What is the meaning and significance of compassion? When you feel utterly responsible then you care. The future is what you make of it today. If you are negligent, merely superficially living, you are creating a world which will be most destructive. Pleasure is the continuation and cultivation of an incident by thought. Is it possible to register only that which is absolutely necessary and not register anything else? In relationship image-making is the process of registration. What is love?
Public Talk 5 – Is there an action which is without cause…
Is there an action in daily life in which there is no motive, no cause, and therefore no regret? Conflict exists only when you try to do something with ‘what is’. If you have an insight into ‘what is’ then conflict ceases. How does one have an insight into violence, without analysis? When there is freedom from suffering in the consciousness of each human being that freedom brings about a transformation in consciousness. That radical change in consciousness affects the whole of mankind’s suffering. What relationship has suffering, the essence of the ‘me’, to love? What is the action of intelligence?
Public Talk 6 – What is it to observe holistically?
To observe freely, holistically, means there is no fragmentation or direction in observation. Is there a state of being in which there is a coming to an end of everything? Is there a way of living which is from moment to moment, without any retention, which is memory? The mind must have no identification with the name, form, with any person, idea or conclusion – is that possible? One can find out the truth of death only when there is an ending to everything that you have.
Public Talk 7 – A movement which is timeless
What is the cause of decision-making? Would you decide if you were very clear? Why do we depend so much on will? Intelligence cannot operate when there is the activity of will. There is psychological time only when you move away from ‘what is’. Is it possible to live psychologically without tomorrow? When there is no centre, no object, no structure of the ‘me’ put together by thought, there is vast space. Where there is resistance there is no space. There is no possibility of the depth, beauty, greatness of meditation when there is any form of fear.
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