The Elephant has Become the Room – C-19 Injections and Excess Deaths
The government, mainstream media and medical establishment bombarded us with messages that Covid 19 was a killer. However, since March 2020, less than 10,000 people have died both with/of Covid 19 (this is the official number that we contend is also inflated) Most of these people were elderly, and two-thirds had life threatening underlying conditions. Flu kills many people in this manner every year.
Billions of euros were spent on promoting the Covid Injections, this led to a substantial rise in excess deaths. We all know someone who after a vaccine/booster had a stroke, heart problems, myocarditis, miscarriage, turbo cancer, or another medical problem. But many people actually died. This is excruciatingly sad, also because the government, media and medicine are not admitting these truths. Has the world gone crazy? Or is it just the corporate-captured world that is stonewalling the ordinary people everywhere? WakeUpéiRe will not stay silent on this ongoing Crime Against Humanity. You can view our on-going Excess Death Campaign in the Menu bar.