The Sounding Of The Alarm

WakeUpéiRe volunteers: Margo from Bray

Margo’s own words

I love being involved with the WakeUpéiRe community. Every Sunday, I’m with Hold the Line volunteers in Bray, County Wicklow holding boards and distributing information flyers as to what is going on before everyone’s very eyes At other times I join the WakeUpéiRe team, and when they join us in Bray from time to time, it’s always a pleasure. 

I was fooled into getting the killer injection, Janssen, and as a result have been treated by a herbalist over the last 2 and a half years in the hope of warding of any serious effects. Many others have been killed and others seriously injured by this shot. At the moment my immune system seems to be ok but who knows.  A current kidney infection is taking a long time to recover from, perhaps because of the so called “vaccine”   If I knew then what I know now…. My gut was telling me NO but pressure from family and friends swayed me, to my regret. The same friends and older members of the family, out of fear, are still buying the lie perpetrated by the establishment I’m sorry to say. ….playing Russian roulette with their lives 

They are now , September, 2024 , getting messages from their GPs urging combined flu AND Covid  shots, such convenience, such revenue, such spread of ill health and death. So much information worldwide has been revealed about the the scam and still the perpetrators remain free to continue their demonic evil.  I feel compelled to spread the word, the truth, share with others information re the unbelievable fact that our lives have been and still are in danger from this medical murder, even if they do not want to hear it

Thank you WakeUpéiRe for all that you do.

WakeUpéiRe and Hold the Line, we’re on the same side and as a result, a force to be reckoned with Barry and Cathriona and the team, warm-hearted, inspiring and a pleasure to know.


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