The Sounding Of The Alarm

Last leg of our National Campaign opposing the Family and care Referendums

The final week is here for the WakeUpéiRe volunteers who have done heroic work in often tough conditions. We distributed 250k Leaflets around this island to volunteers willing to do the hard yards. We are boots on the ground, we done our bit by delivering Tens of Thousands into Irish hands. We are not resting on our Laurels as we still have 20k Leaflets to get through in our final week. We are at six locations from Saturday 02 February till Friday 08. Please come and join us and help win a few votes for the women of éiRe.

To follow our Campaign and get Leaflets to go Door to Door in your area or to help us with Campaign costs.

Currently there are over 21,000 Excess Deaths in Ireland since the C-19 injection rollout in 2021.