What more at this point can be said, Part 66 and no signs of slowing down, This is what the aristocrats intended when they told us about a New Normal. You will own nothing, live in cramped, unhealthy “smart” micro-housing, tracked, surveilled 24/7 and if you don’t adhere to the right policies or subscribe to the approved life management services and subscriptions, your life expectancy will be no more than it would have been in hunter, Gathering times this time reflected in your social credit score. This system should only apply to legal fictions, not to living, breathing humans. Yet, we are all being treated and presumed to be merely legal fictions.
I’ve started uploading new and some older vids to Odysee. https://odysee.com/@checkur6:4
It’s the best place to download them if you want to share here or on another platform and they’re at a much higher resolution than bitchute. Just right click on the vid and save as .mp4.
checkur6 Telegram channel- https://t.me/checkyour6 – All videos from this Bitchute channel can be downloaded there for easy sharing – most are 10-50Mb (compressed files – good quality ).
Please also take a few mins to subscribe on: Rumble https://rumble.com/user/checkyour6 and
Odysee https://odysee.com/@checkur6:4.
– There is no content on these 2 platforms atm, but they are simply a backup and way to maintain contact if Bitchute becomes unviable.
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