The Sounding Of The Alarm

The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity

Dr Naomi Wolf

Our book, The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity, was published two days ago; it is already a bestseller. This is a book that three governments — the US, the UK and Australia — all sought to suppress. The story of how it came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time.

2 responses to “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity”

  1. Joe Sweeney

    hi I am Joe Sweeney, I got the 2 vaccines, and then the 1st booster, and i have terrible suffering from withon my bloodstream since, itchy skin, i torn my throat with itch, and what appeared was discusting and scary, it was like creepy crawly insects,. i saved all that i took from surface of my skin, bagged tagged and frozen, my number is 089 *** ****, i was in the process of going to a lawyer, but i came on your leaflet,
    i find it will be easier to speak to someone with knowledge, I mentioned once to my doctor of my symptoms, he sent me to dermatology, treating me for eczema, what a joke


    Joe Sweeney

    hope to hear from you

    1. Hi Joe, thank you for reaching out. If you email we can talk some more and exchange numbers.

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