The Sounding Of The Alarm

Guinea Pig Kids: BBC apologizes for telling the truth in this documentary.

In a rare case of genuine journalism at the BBC, A documentary was produced in the eirly 2000’s with Truth and excellent questions asked, So of course Three years after airing the documentary the BBC has apologized”. The apology is a response to complaints by several prominent AIDS scientists that the video, Guinea Pig Kids, primarily aired the views of AIDS denialists, or is it to protect an Industry and the psychopaths who are drawn to it.

Officials defend research
New York City officials defend the decision to enlist foster children en masse, saying there was a crisis in the early 1990s and research provided the best treatment possibilities. “We learned some things from our experience,” said Elizabeth Roberts, assistant commissioner for child and family health at the Administration for Children’s Services. (Continue Reading)

Why isn’t this front-page news in every newspaper in the world? Where is the mainstream media? The short answer is mainstream media is hard at work covering up the crimes of the globalist elite, including the depraved crimes of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Makes us wonder what we where really looking at in the video below.

The video below was uploaded to a year before the Crisis and our new normal was forced on us,

Would you bury supposedly “highly contagious” corpses’ in a location like this or just the “evidence” and undesirables you want to get rid of and as a bit of a larp, scare the SHIT our of everybody?

you might not get the joke but we are presuming you are not a psychopath, With vested interestes in the pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters, Our hearts go out to anybody who were subjected to this inhumane treatment or any similar, theys psychopaths are depraved.

What do you think about all this? Are the Main Stream Media right not to distribute this dangerous conspiracy concept or do we need to confront this desecration of human rights as a Peoples. Comment Below.