The Sounding Of The Alarm

Sign the petition demanding Irelands UN Delegation oppose the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Thanks to your pressure in opposing the Pandemic Treaty so far, the Globalist leaders worldwide are panicking!

The UN, eager to push this treaty, has scheduled a high-level meeting on September 20th. We are running out of time!

Sign our petition urging Ireland’s UN Delegation to stand with us to oppose the Pandemic Treaty in this upcoming crucial crossroad.


Thanks to your backing, CitizenGO is fighting tooth and nail in trying to halt the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty. Unfortunately, we cannot lower our guard yet…

For two years since nations agreed to develop to a Pandemic Treaty that allows the left-wing World Health Organization (WHO) to dictate “potential” emergencies, controlling lockdowns, vaccinations, and mobility restrictions, you and I have fought to keep any new powers away from the WHO.

Thanks to our efforts, the radical globalist leaders and leftist organizations pulling the strings behind the scenes at the UN are panicking!

The fear of not securing a global agreement is starting to set in for them. In other words: they’re feeling your pressure.

So much so, that the UN has unexpectedly called for an emergency high-level meeting to be included in the agenda of this month’s General Assembly on September 20th, to fabricate a sense of urgency to reignite interest in the proposed Pandemic Treaty. You may have already noticed stories of a “new COVID variant” spreading in the media.

There’s no better time than now to step up the pressure and bury this treaty once and for all.

Sign the petition urging Ireland’s UN Delegation to oppose the dangerous centralization of global governance during the upcoming negotiations of the WHO Pandemic Treaty at the UN General Assembly.

Here’s why:

Recent reports along with our inside sources, reveal several major setbacks in the plans for the treaty, suggesting that the momentum behind the Pandemic Treaty is waning. People are fed up with dictatorship, lockdowns, forced vaccination, travel controls and fake science.

Our collective actions – including yours, mine, and hundreds of thousands of CitizenGO supporters worldwide – aimed at revealing the potential harm of giving WHO unchecked control over our liberties, national sovereignty, and family safety, have effectively challenged the Pandemic Treaty.

But we cannot become complacent and risk losing everything we have achieved to this point – “a wounded animal is a dangerous animal!”.

The WHO and its top backers like the UN, George and Alex Soros, Bill Gates and Communist China are at their most vulnerable, and it’s imperative we capitalize on this moment.

The United Nations General Assembly will hold a high-level meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response in New York, in just over a week from now, on September 20th.

The very declaration for this meeting to be in the agenda suggests that the globalists are concerned about the lack of general consensus and negotiations on the so-called “zero draft.”

With international interest weakening, their deadline of May 2024 looms larger. This setback for them could be a golden window of opportunity for us to instill further pressure in opposition to the Pandemic Treaty!

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment that demands immediate action to safeguard our rights and freedoms from this encroaching threat. The upcoming weeks will be make or break!

That is why I am urging you to really seize this chance!

Sign here to urge Ireland’s UN Delegation to stand against the WHO’s power grab at the 78th session of the General Assembly in New York.

CitizenGO is already plotting a large-scale presence, right there and then, on the ground, to make your voices heard.

Our committed team will tirelessly aim to reach as many delegates as we can at the United Nations General Assembly. We’ll deliver a clear, powerful message to the globalist leaders and radical-leftist organizations that are pushing for this project.

But we need to be able to count on your support!

There is reason to be positive given the way things are going, but it is no time for complacency.

Allow me to just remind you of what’s at stake here:

The WHO’s proposed amendments would expand its power to declare “potential” health emergencies and give WHO officials the power to develop new global surveillance and data-sharing mechanisms. They would also allow the WHO to recognize itself as the “coordinating authority” during a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

In other words: powers to impose lockdowns; mandatory vaccinations to you, your family, and your children; and mobility restrictions unless vaccinated with a passport.

Do you want the unelected WHO to dictate your health decisions whenever they deem there’s a global “risk” to our health?

The time to really mobilize is now! The stakes couldn’t be higher. We are at a make-or-break juncture, and the deadline, September 20th, is fast approaching.

You and I have the chance, now more than ever, to halt this treaty and ensure that our fundamental rights are protected from global overreach.

This is our moment, and YOUR voice is pivotal.

Sign HERE to insist Ireland’s UN Delegation oppose the dangerous “Pandemic Treaty”, which would have dire consequences for individual freedoms and the effectiveness of future epidemic responses.

Thank you for your unyielding commitment to this shared cause.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Remember, the fight for our freedoms is relentless. Stay informed, stay involved, and let’s keep this momentum going. Our rights depend on our collective action. Please spread the Word: Share this alarming news and inform your community about what’s at stake. The power of one is strong, the power of many is unstoppable!

Sign today to insist Ireland’s UN Delegation oppose the dangerous “Pandemic Treaty.”

For More Information:

United Nations General Assembly High-level Week 2023 Agenda

We cannot give up on the global pandemic treaty (Financial Times)

Preparing for the UN High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, 2023