The Sounding Of The Alarm

The Purpose of our Website

We are unpaid volunteers from different backgrounds who have come together to present censored information directly to people who would not otherwise access this info. We are non-political. Our main focus is on in-person informing with flyers and large message boards. We organise information drops in towns throughout Ireland, where we go to specific organisations and publicly address responsible individuals for their role in these Globalist schemes.

Hidden Schemes Behind Things Happening in our World.

Some of us are aware that a small gang of extremely wealthy people own most of the assets in the world. But most of us do not realise that these people actually work together like gangsters in a global cartel that rules our world.

They operate from behind powerful corporations (such as BlackRock), international organisations (WHO, UN, World Economic Forum, etc.), thousands of non-governmental organisations, and so-called national governments. We presumed that these organisations worked for our benefit, but, since 2020, more people are coming to understand that these organisations are sophisticated facades for sinister forces, and also that our Irish establishment is completely captured.

The Globalist cartel has been working for decades to programme our society within a brainwashing bubble, so that it is very difficult for us to identify that we are being led, step-by-step, into schemes that appear virtuous, but are in fact designed specifically to depopulate and destroy much of contemporary civilisation. A good example is the C-19 injection, which seemed virtuous, but actually caused terrible deaths and injuries.

The Globalist gangsters have been plotting to dominate humanity under a one-world government controlled by bio-digital surveillance systems.

The Globalists now have their corrupting tentacles embedded in every aspect of our modern society. They control education and media to condition human behaviour and censor detailed information about the hidden powers that are steering our world.

This website presents some of the censored information. Modern life is fast paced and our minds are often crammed. It is extremely difficult for busy people to disengage from life activities and dedicate the time required to understand the Globalist agenda. WakeUpéiRe cannot validate all the website content, but we believe most of it is based on quality research done by courageous men and women, people like us, who are compelled to alert others, so that people like you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The Globalist work with an in-depth understanding of human psychology, our core fears and desires, and they stage events (e.g. George Floyd) or use slick strategies to trigger us to react in a very specific manner that serves their agenda, without us ever realising that we are being manipulated.

The whole Globalist scheme comes as a psychologically-programmed, opt-in, tiptoe towards corporatist totalitarian control. This is a new style of psychological warfare on the masses. Brainwashing, censorship and pharma have replaced tanks, bombs and guns. It is all so slick, so seamless and so difficult to identify.

It is easy to recognise the danger signs of traditional warfare and oppression. But it is difficult to identify red flags of oppression in the Globalist-orchestrated, individual steps being implemented to degrade our lifestyles. For example, using facial recognition to access devices is more convenient than typing in passwords, but our unique facial data can also be exploited by other entities for oppressive surveillance.

In Ireland, our culture is quite Americanised, and we never lived the European horrors of extreme Fascism, Communism or the World Wars. Therefore, it is relatively difficult for us to imagine that our establishment, our own people, could be intent on slowly crushing society. We are inclined to laugh at the government spending outrageous money on a bicycle shed or a tampon machine in the men’s toilet in Dáil Éireann. But we are being fed details of these increasingly nonsensical acts on purpose so as to erode our expectation of accountable and dignified leadership, grooming us for future totalitarianism. In last-century Ireland, people were repressed by Church forces. This makes us eager to prove that we are now open-minded and progressive. This eagerness to atone for past cruelty can lead us to overlook the fact that pendulum swings in social behaviour in the opposite direction are actually harmful, such as normalising children’s exposure to hypersexualised behaviour. The Irish economy is much inflated by corporate pharma and tech giants, which are the main power bases of Globalist control.

Irish people have a friendly and trusting character that makes us particularly vulnerable to the Globalist wolf in sheep’s clothing.

There is a precise agenda and framework to this harmonised Globalist attack. It is composed of interlinked, strategies to control us. We have been conditioned to presume these are just part-and-parcel of modernisation, as if we didn’t have a choice — we do have choices and we can stop it all.

Main globalist strategies to degrade our civilisation:

— High dependence on pharma to treat our bodies and minds.

— The Globalist-orchestrated 2020 ‘pandemic’ of fear and coercion that led to the C-19 injection, which effectively killed and injured many millions of people worldwide. As of December 2024, researchers have calculated that there have been over 21,000 extra deaths in Ireland since the injection rollout in 2021. The establishment has heavily censored the injection truth since January 2021. This censorship is a specific psychological strategy to traumatise and oppress the population. We now have a build-up of unexpressed hurt and anger that can be triggered and captured into other Globalist schemes, such as fighting excessive immigration or supporting the eventual collapse of our medical system to substitute human medics with Artificial Intelligence.

— Chemical pollution of foods, lands and skies.

— Controlling agriculture and reducing our ability to independently produce our food.

— Eroding family values and devaluing loving human relationship bonds. Humans are innately wired to fight for and protect the people we love. Globalists cannot easily manipulate people who are rooted in love for their people.

— Blurring real male/female sex differences, while exalting strangely sexed personalities as special.

— Downplaying the distinctive Irish character. Conditioning us to view Irish people who have deep love their country as closed-minded and backward.

— Inviting in and housing excessive numbers of immigrant people from very different cultures, while many of our young struggle to attain housing to start a family, or others feel that they must emigrate.

— Increased digitalisation of our work, leisure and necessary activities, which permits data surveillance by corporatist powers. Digital ID (Covid-injection passes) to police our access to services or activities.

— Decades-long dumbing down through Social and Emotional education which diminishes our logical and critical thinking skills. Entertainment, through Hollywood, the music industry, Netflix etc. to systematically lower moral decency and integrity.

— Data capture through smart devices such as Alexa, digital payments, online gaming, wearables (FitBit), QR codes, loyalty apps, to capture even our subconscious human-behaviour data, and use this to programme Artificial Intelligence to replace humans in work and leisure activities.

— Pumping up guilt about carbon consumption to prepare us to accept punishment and carbon rationing and to view depopulation as a necessary evil.

— 5G networks, which provide the grid structure for bio-digital control of humans, while also harming our health and environment.

— Managing staged events such as ‘pandemics’, weather ‘events’. Instigating and directing outbursts of social agitation, such as paid actors posing as eco activists (Greta Thunberg).

The slickest trick of all is Globalist-controlled opposition. This is where the Globalists place their own agents in the new anti-establishment groups that are forming everywhere. Such agents pretend to be grassroots and on the side of the people but, in reality, they are tasked to capture and channel authentic activism energy into fake opposition movements and dynamics that Globalists can manipulate.

We are being led towards self-destruction under a cult of demoralising, de-sexing, de-nationalising, de-healthing, de-loving and deathing, and it’s all dressed up as virtuous for the common good. This seems like a new form of Marxism to us.

Becoming informed is psychologically, emotionally and spiritually overwhelming — it totally shatters your world view. It’s normal to want to reject it all as being just too crazy, too outrageous. But there is a trick to defeat this: the evil schemes fall apart when enough of us retract our support and compliance. We can opt out, and assert dominance for innate moral conscience, human dignity, integrity, and become a link in the chain reaction for goodness

You can start by using cash, shop local, print off this information to give to others, speak clearly about C-19 injection harms, refuse digital ID, listen more to young people and their concerns, and reduce pharma consumption as much as possible.

There is a lot to see on this site, it may seem overwhelming, but please persist with the difficult information. Use the categories menu and search bar to browse. Take one subject, view some of the content we present, think about it, talk with others and see if it makes sense. Then examine establishment/media information, and see if you discern lies or not.