The Sounding Of The Alarm

The Elephant has Become the Room – C-19 Injections and Excess Deaths.
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The phenomenon of Post Covid -19 Injection Excess Deaths is happening worldwide in all heavily injected countries.

Irelands current Post C-19 Injection Excess Deaths figures stand at over 21,000. This is huge news that can be easily verified with just a few hours research and an open mind.

Despite this alarming news getting worldwide coverage, all Irish mainstream and local media refuse to use their journalist powers and investigate.

Above are some presentations from well researched individuals/groups, who even under the treat of professional and social isolation, still feel compelled to bring their concerns to you.

The option is there for you to look further, we highly recommend you do so, before taking anymore C-19 Injections.

Our Current Campaign Highlights
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Highlights from our current nationwide campaign raising awareness on the staggering rise in Post Covid-19 injection Excess Deaths. As well distributing thousands of leaflets every time we go out, we are publicly reading, and hand delivering our letters of concern to those that work in the political – medical, and media industries, reminding them of their duty to inform the Irish people of the now known dangers attached with the C-19 Injection Medical trial.

Four years on : The Evidence now Shows: The C-19 Injections are an ongoing Crime Against Humanity.
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Shocking revelations concerning the ongoing Death/Injury being caused by the Covid-19 Injections are now freely available for anyone who wishes to investigate.

Despite this, still all Irish mainstream and local media outlets refuse to report any negatives on these Injections. Since 2022 WakeUpéiRe have been publicly hand delivering and sending registered letters with our concerns, and the evidence needed to back them up, to those in the political, medical, and media institutions .

These are the men and women who are employed in a position of public trust, who have the means at their disposal to quickly alert the public of any imminent life endangering threats.

It is now crystal clear to WakeUpéiRe, they know what we know, so we contend, they simply, do not want you to know. Why would this be?

Are we witnessing an abhorrent self-serving doubling down by the same Irish institutions, who are still relentlessly promoting the C-19 Injection as ‘SAFE and EFFECTIVE?’

They continue to do this even when the weight of publicly available information proving the C-19 Injections are actually “Ineffective and Toxic by Design” increases daily. It is only a short time away, when the truth of the damage caused by the C-19 Injections becomes too great to cover up. When that time comes, we have the documented evidence that WakeUpéiRe have been alerting all relevant bodies of the censored information for almost 3 years, all throughout the Injection rollout.

Below is a selection of presentations that are contrary to official Irelands version of all things C-19 Injection. It is up to you to discern lies or not. We ask you to consider if those risking everything, including their liberty would do so out of malice or deep concern? Should you wish to dig deeper, we have an extensive array of information on this Globalist (NWO) orchestrated Crime Against Humanity.

The dilution or total abandonment of national identity…
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The dilution or total abandonment of national identity in all western countries is a huge part of the overall globalist agenda. To achieve this all western countries are being flooded with uncontrollable inward migration.

In Ireland this is being done by downplaying the distinctive Irish character and conditioning us to view Irish people who have deep love for their country as closed-minded and backward.

As far as the globalists go, a people rooted in deep love for their country are a people that can not be easily controlled. We have put together some content from commentators in Ireland and around the world.

The opinions expressed are those of the creators of the content.

Faster Internet or a Faster Ride Towards Tyranny ?
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Despite the fact that it comes with known great health risks to humans and our environment, Governments and Globalist owned telecom companies around the world are pushing forward with the rollout of 5G technology.

The 5G network comes with excessive financial costs, a complete invasion of privacy, and it has the ability to be utilised as a sophisticated weapons system.

5G Is essentially the tool that will provide the grid structure for 24hr-7day a week bio-digital control of the human race. We implore you to research this harmful technology and start taking steps to safeguard your loved ones.

Some of us are aware that a small gang of extremely wealthy people own most of the assets in the world. But most of us do not realise that these people work together like gangsters in a global cartel that rules our world…

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We presumed that these organisations worked for our benefit, but, since 2020, more people are coming to understand that these organisations are sophisticated facades for sinister forces, and that our Irish establishment is completely captured.

For Decades, the Globalist gangsters have been plotting to dominate humanity under a one-world government controlled by bio-digital surveillance systems. The Globalists now have their corrupting tentacles embedded in every aspect of our modern society. They control education and media to condition human behaviour and censor detailed information about the hidden powers that are steering our world towards a One World Order.

The Globalists work with an in-depth understanding of human psychology, our core fears, and desires, and they stage events and use slick strategies to trigger us to react in an extremely specific manner that serves their agenda, without us ever realising that we are being manipulated. The whole Globalist scheme comes as a psychologically programmed, opt-in, tiptoe towards corporatist totalitarian control. This is a new style of psychological warfare on the masses. Brainwashing, censorship, and pharma have replaced tanks, bombs, and guns.

 It is all so slick, so seamless and so difficult to identify. It is easy to recognise the danger signs of traditional warfare and oppression. But it is difficult to identify red flags of oppression in the Globalist-orchestrated, individual steps being implemented to degrade our lifestyles. There is a precise agenda and framework to this harmonised Globalist attack. It is composed of interlinked, strategies to control us. We have been conditioned to presume these are just part-and-parcel of modernisation, as if we did not have a choice — we do have choices, and if enough of us become aware, we can stop it all.

 This website presents some of the censored information. Modern life is fast paced, and our minds are often crammed. It is extremely difficult for busy people to disengage from life activities and dedicate the time required to understand the Globalist agenda. WakeUpéiRe cannot validate all the website content, but we believe the vast majority of it is based on quality research done by courageous men and women, people like us, who are compelled to alert others, so that people like you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

There is a lot to see on this website, it may seem overwhelming, but please persist with the difficult information. Use the categories menu and search bar to browse. Take one subject, view some of the content we present, think about it, talk with others, and see if it makes sense. Then examine establishment/media information and see if you discern lies or not.

Becoming informed about the globalist agenda is psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually overwhelming — it totally shatters your world view, but be assured you will come through it and be a completely different person. You will start to see some of the wiring under the board, and most importantly you will very quickly see through the media manipulation. Its ’s normal to want to reject it all as being just too crazy, too outrageous, but this is solely what they rely on. The trick to defeat this is simply to retract our support and compliance. The evil Globalist schemes fall apart when enough of us opt out, and assert dominance for innate moral conscience, human dignity, integrity, and become a link in the chain reaction for goodness.

There is no appetite from the public stronger laws on our freedom to speak, yet all main political parties are pushing for heavy censorship across all platforms on all their electorate. Why is this?
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We contend since 2020 all current political parties have committed acts so foul on the Irish people that charges of Democide (refers to “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”) are at minimum are fully justifiable.

The evidence of the heinous crimes committed on the Irish population during the Covid-19 pandemic fraud and the mass injection programme that followed is vast and freely available. This gross negligence to the welfare of those that elected them has led to countless life changing injuries for Tens of Thousands of Irish men, woman and children and is without doubt a contributing factor in the current excess deaths rates of over 20%.

This is equating to over TWENTY THOUSAND EXTRA DEATHS above the average five-year norm since the Covid-19 vaccine rollout. The evidence to back up these claims is no more than a few clicks for anyone who has the whereabouts to question the suggested narratives. Therein lies the problem for official Ireland and all other world governments, and indeed all the world’s media who played the most pivotal role.

To have the evidence for these Crimes against Humanity remain so freely available, and in the hands of those that refuse to be silent, is a situation that must be rectified, or many thousands of immensely powerful heads will have to roll. For Tyranny to flourish the Truth must first perish.