5G. All content
Despite the fact that it comes with known great health risks to humans and our environment, Governments and Globalist owned telecom companies around the world are pushing forward with the rollout of 5G technology. The 5G network comes with excessive financial costs, a complete invasion of privacy and it has the ability to be utilised as a sophisticated weapons system. 5G Is essentially the tool that will provide the grid structure for 24hr-7day a week bio-digital control of the human race. We implore you to research this harmful technology and start taking steps to safeguard your loved ones.
This must see documentary reveals how “Smart Meters” emit dirty electricity causing health problems, are a fire hazard, allow in-home spying, including the ability to be hacked and actually increase your…
Uncensored: WBAN & Human Hacking PROOF – How Far Does it Really Go?Uncensored:
Todd Callender and Lisa McGee join Maria Zeee to discuss WBAN & human hacking proof, human antennae, and explore how far AI’s role has already gone in this process…
This 15 part documentary might explain just how intense the assault on your/our wellbeing truly is. “A Poisoned World” is many years old, but its information is primary, fundamental…
CLAIRE EDWARDS ~ “The 5G Space Weapon, Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid” [Age Of Truth TV] [HD]
An important and informative interview on the topic of 5G and the “International Appeal To STOP 5G on Earth and in Space”. Spokesperson for the Appeal to STOP 5G,…
2 page PDF on 5G Warning
5G has been sold to the public promising faster download speeds and better internet connection. But things are not always as advertised. Many people are unaware of the true…