The Sounding Of The Alarm

Help managing the effects of Bio-Damage

We can not and would not tell any body what to do with their bodies. We can only offer our experience and advice. If you or somebody you love has been Hurt/Damaged by the Doctor, and the pharmaceutical industry, you might have sustained Damage from a Geoengineering, Bio-weapon, Chemical toxicity, heavy mettles or Drug on Drug interactions.

It is our personal experience that the following items may help with relieving suffering and even reversing the negative effects of harmful substances in the body. They are not a magic pill that will make you “better” (That is the thinking that got us here) they are a small part of a process that involves eating raw fruit, vegetables, some red meat, broccoli and as much cabbage water as yo can tolerate, a clean reliable source of water is an absolute must and a personal commitment to live more inline with biology rather than Pharmacology. That is not to say you have to live on a strict diet for ever but until your body has the building blocks in reserve to fight for itself. below are some items that will help you in your efforted.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

NAC, as a prescribed medication, is used by doctors to treat acetaminophen overdose and to assist in breaking up mucus for individuals with certain lung diseases, like chronic bronchitis. As a supplement, it’s utilized by some to protect the liver, and there’s evidence indicating its potential in preventing kidney or neurological damage caused by specific drugs. There is als anecdotal evidence suggesting that NAC+ may aid in passing a drug test when one is anticipated

Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria

Spirulina is among the world’s most popular supplements. It is made from an organism that grows in both fresh and saltwater.

It is a type of cyanobacteria Trusted Source, which is a family of single-celled microbes that are often referred to as blue-green algae. Just like plants, cyanobacteria can produce energy from sunlight via a process called photosynthesis.

These days, people use spirulina to boost the levels of nutrients and antioxidants in their bodies, and it may also help protect against various diseases.

There are many theory’s on how to “detox” from the Bioweapon and some of them may even have merit who am I to say what works for one wont work for another, however it is my belief that treating the weapon is not the way to go, we should work with our bodies, the way they have worked for aeons. Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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